Sunday, October 14, 2007

Seco ile tavla keyfi

Seco 2-0 öndeyken


Anonymous said...

who is that?

how are you ray?

Ray Kinsella said...

This is a friend of mine who is totaly ignorant about backgammon game, who suprisingly won the game.

I am fine mate, you know, a little bit this, a little bit that...
How you doin?

Selin said...

He won the game and u r punishing him with that picture I guess:)

Diego said...

I am the true backgammon master who, despite the gravity challenge, thrashed Ray 5-0.

Anonymous said...

doing well ray, thanks. Turkey has a big game tomorrow, are they going to win? Will be by the channel rooting for you guys.


Ray Kinsella said...

Yes mate, it is like we will win or we will not be qualified for the finals... Hope we will make it because int the first game we lost points against Bosnia.

however, weather we will be qualified or not with the current manager Fatih Terim, there is no chance of Turkey in the championship.

To give you better understanding just watch his freakingly funny interview after a recent draw with moldova :)

dodo said...

abi uğramayalı site ingilizce içerik kazanmış, uluslar arası hale gelmiş
Tebrik ederim.

Ray Kinsella said...

Evet abi sorma hep Fatih Terim`e borcluyuz bunu :)

i dont want to see back, I want to see front :)