Thursday, August 09, 2007

English Version Available

Yaklaşık bir sene önce Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Dış işleri Bakanlığı Kültür ve Yurtdışı Tanıtım Genel Müdürlüğü Fahri Başkanı Tuna Tiryakioğlu ile başladığımız online menejerlik oyunu FDM'den bize yadigar kalan çok sevgili arkadaşlarımız Texas'dan Keith ve Portekiz'den Saraiv'in yoğun ilgi ve alakası üzerine bundan kelli Blog'da İngilizce entryler de olacak.

Guyz, what I wrote above basically means that, as I love to have your contribution in my blog page. I am starting to post in English as well. It is also saying that I have placed a hidden cam into Tuna's bedroom and you can access it anytime from HERE for just $2,99 per minute. Enjoy it. By the way I want to cong. Keith for having promotion in his job. Good one mate. Cheers


Anonymous said...

OMG, Tuna, get some sun. Bag of Pringlesm an ashtray full of smokes and some other snack I don't recognize.

Ray, thanks for letting me keep up with your blog. I searched for a free translator, but no luck.

Thanks for the well wishes on the promotion. It SUCKS. Just more work so far.


Ray Kinsella said...

I am glad that u guyz may understand and comment. By the way I will try to find a text translator web site for you if I can.
Btw, u r talking about the more work part of the promotion but not even mentioning about more money part :)

Anonymous said...

Yes, there will be more money....but I haven't seen any yet (don't get paid til the end of the month).

The money will be nice, but am after the challenge of the job (old job was getting boring). Although the money might let me tell the wife to quit working for a few years.


Ray Kinsella said...

yeah, I understand that mate, I was just joking about that.

It should be really hard to raise 2 kids while both of you working. I hope you can make it mate.

dodo said...

abi helal olsun
blog aleminde çığır açtın :)
aynen devam

Ray Kinsella said...

Abi biz pazarlamaci milleti boyle oluyor, halka hizmette sinir tanimiyoruz :) ama calismalarimiz bununla da bitmeyecek, cok degisik planlarim var :)