Cumartesi günleri işyerindeki yoğunluğun biraz daha hafif olması nedeniyle haftalık internet turumu yapıyorum. Geleneksel turumuzun ayağında, alkolik bir "geek" in nelere kadir olduğunu gördüm. Hangi insan bira fıçısını r2d2 yapar? Benim aklıma bir tek 1998-1999 yılları arasında Sith Emekçileri Konfederasyonu Genel Sekreterliği görevinde de bulunmuş, Darth Tuna geldi.
What do u think guyz? who win R2Beer2 or Darth Tuna? Bay the way Saraiv mate, in this death match situation you are out of league as we all know that if you face with r2beer2 you will not only drink it all, but also might try to eat the keg as well.
What do u think guyz? who win R2Beer2 or Darth Tuna? Bay the way Saraiv mate, in this death match situation you are out of league as we all know that if you face with r2beer2 you will not only drink it all, but also might try to eat the keg as well.
LEt me break this down:
Speed: Acrually goes to R2Beer2. Darth Tuna will get tired too easily, hauling his arse around after the beer.
Drinkability: Ugggh, the picture...I just threw up in my mouth
Fear: I guarantee that r2beer2 is afraid of the darth tuna can squat. That droid has no chance against Tuna's um "power"
Intensity/Focus: You would like to think that Darth Tuna would win here, but R2beer2 has a secret weapon, he knows Darth Tuna's weakness, a bag of chips, WOW password and a pack of cigs. Talk about a Tractor beam. Darth Tuna is drawn in like the Falcon.
Realism: Lets face it, Darth Tuna will simply kick the can across his apartment.
Likability: My friend Saraivix loves beer, but who wasn't rooting for the bad guy in Star Wars? The Good guy always wins in movies. Not here. Advantage Darth Tuna
So when you add it up, the winner is: Darth Tuna, but only because that can is just spinning on its wheels.
Great comperison Keith mate :)
I am wondering what if Chewsaraiv show up and help R2 :)
It was really hard to deicide so I arranged a google fight:)
and the winner isss...
here in this link :)
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